Admission details of various Institutions:
Below are listed the different entrance examinations and the rough dates for getting admission in the design institutes. These provide a rough indication of the dates and procedure for admissions. You should check with the institutes for the exact dates, background qualifications, application fees and the exact procedure for admission. Most of the institutes require that you first qualify through the entrance examination and after which you are called to the institute for any of these - tests, workshops, portfolio review and interview.
Entrance Procedure:
Application Issue Date:
Application Receipt Date:
Examination Date:
Interview Date:
NID, Ahmedabad
(UG programs and
PG programs)
All India Examination + Studio Test & Interview
Last week of September
Last week of October for Entrance Exam application form
First week of January
Last week of April - Mid May (Studio Test + Interview)
IDC, IIT Bombay
Design, IIT Kanpur *
CPDM, IISc, Bangalore *
DOD, IIT Guwahati
(Master of Design - PG programs)
All India Common Examination for Design (Ceed) + Apply again separately to each institution + Test & Interview
(* - GATE scores are also valid)
Second week of September
Second week of October
First week of November
held in the months of March (refer to institute websites) (Studio Test + Interview)
Blog for CEED
- Ceed india
Department of Design, IIT Guwahati
(UG programs)
IIT's JEE (all India) + Design Test
Third week of November
Last week of December
First week of April
Last week of May - Mid June
(Design Aptitude Test)
(UG programs and PG programs)
All India Examination + Portfolio Review + Interview
First week of November
First week of January
Third week of February
Mid May - June
(Portfolio + Interview)
Sristi, Bangalore
(2 year professional diploma and advanced diploma)
Entrance Exam + Application + Portfolio Review + Interview
January Beginning
Mid March for application form
First week of April
May - June
(Portfolio + Interview)
Symbiosis Institute of Design, Pune
(UG programs)
All India Examination + Test + Interview
After August
(application is available on institute website)
Second week of April
First week of May
First week of June
(Test + Interview)
MIT Institute of Design, Pune
(UG programs and PG programs)
All India Examination + Studio Test & Interview
After August - detailed announcement in November
(application is available on institute website)
Last week of March
Third week of April
First week of June
(Studio Test + Interview)
Design Institute of India, Indore
(UG programs and PG programs)
Third week of March
Second week of May
Last week of May
Third week week of June - (Studio Test + Interview)
DJ Academy of Design, Coimbatore
(UG programs and PG programs)
Entrance Exam + Application + Workshop & Interview
(Also NID Entrance Exam and CEED considered)
Beginning January
Mid May
End May
First week of May
(Workshop + Interview)