IDC Design Research Journal - 'Design Thoughts'
by IDC, IIT Bombay
Design issues is a collection of thoughts to cover a spectrum of concerns that
affect design.
Archive of Papers
by Prof. M P Ranjan, NID Ahemedabad
This site contains papers and presentations articulated by Prof M P Ranjan senior faculty member at NID over a period of several years - on Design Pedagogy, Crafts, Bamboo, Design Policy, etc.
Prof Ranjan's blog is named
'Design for India' has writings on various concerns with regard to design in the context of India
Writings, Papers and Articles
by Dr. Ajanta Sen, International Director, Solar Project, Mumbai
Has selected papers on Culture, Design and Technology, Play and Learn Environment for Children, Interactive Design, Design related people, Design Education, etc.
Publications and Writings
by Prof. Uday A Athavankar, IDC, IIT Bombay
Has selected papers on Design Thinking, Visualization, Mental Imagery and Sketching; Objects and Cultures; Product Semantics, etc.
Selected Papers
by Prof. Ravi Poovaiah, IDC, IIT Bombay
Has selected papers on Design Education, Interaction Design, Signage Language, Kinesthetics of Packaging, etc.
Conference Papers
by Prof. Anirudha Joshi, IDC, IIT Bombay
Has selected papers on HCI, Interaction Design Education, etc.
by Prof. Arvind Lodaya, Sristi, Bangalore
Has papers and presentations realted to design, design education, etc
Presentations and Publications
by Dr. Darlie Koshy, Director General (Education & Training) of the Apparel Export Promotion Council
Has mainly his profile, message and contact details with a list of presentations and publications.
Newsletter from Exit Design
by Exit Design Firm
Has collection of articles on design almost every month
If you have suggestions, do send it to
Design in India